Open Call (Residency)


Due to the unfortunate and unprecedented expansion of the pandemic and the general suspension of many cultural programs and events, the Four -plus one- Elements thematic residency program cannot be implemented in May 2021, maintaining the character and the scope for which it was built. Thus, we are again in the position of having to postpone the residency -hoping for the last time- for about a year.


A thematic program such as the Four (plus one) Elements has the potential to involve an average of 45 participants from different fields, while at the same time the interdisciplinary nature -through in situ work- of the productions, which are carried out by hosting transnational participants, provide the foundation for the development and perpetuation of Kinono’s ideas on the island of Tinos.


In an effort to maintain the collective character and the social / environmental direction of the program, as well as to facilitate production planning, we inform you that the Four-plus one- Elements residency program will take place in May 2022, in five landmarks of the island.   Therefore, the open call is live again and will be until July (31/7/2021).


Changes in the thematic


Those interested can submit a proposal, combining one or more of the four natural elements with a landmark site of the following: (1) Koumelas Quarries, (2) Kakia Skala, (3) Ismael village, (4) Livada Reservoir, (5) Plain of Komi.


Information about applicants:


With respect to applicants for the time they devoted and for anticipating the final results, we give the option of re-processing the submitted proposals. Applications will be available for editing until the end of the call (July 31st, 2021).


We would like to point out that we will soon be in contact with participants whose proposals approach the essence of the theme and the process of Kinono.


Applicants will be informed on their participation gradually, by the closing of the call (July 31st, 2021)


Open Call Form

Please fill the form here

More details regarding the Residency can be found here

The view the map of the locations of the residency press here

Of course, in the near future, Kinono will not suspend its operations. We are already planning the configuration of a communication and networking platform, which will initially bring the selected participants in contact with the organizers of Kinono but also with each other, for the necessary planning of the productions and the creation of conditions for cooperation.


Additionally, Kinono plans to implement in the meantime additional individual events and productions on a smaller scale (presentations, exhibitions, small symposia) always with a view to site-specific work and interaction. For this purpose, Kinono wishes to host special guests, who, among others, will be selected from the applicants of this open call.


In an effort to enhance the Kinono team, we offer the opportunity to anyone interested in participating as a member, to fill out the form below. It concerns the implementation period of the Four (plus one) Elements thematic, as well as the events and productions organised before May 2022.


Further Information and the online form for joining the Kinono team can be found here


Stay up to date on our new posts on the Four -plus one- Elements thematic, but also on our events and activities on social media, as well as on our website.


Thank you for your understanding and support of our project.


Under the auspices of:

Under the auspices of the Greek council of UNESCO:

Under the auspices of the Greek ICOMOS:

In Cooperation:

With the Support:

Sponsored by:

Member of:

Media Sponsors: